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- Readargsgroup.mcc/Readargsgroup.mcc
- Readargsgroup.mcc/MUIA_Readargsgroup_Key
- Readargsgroup.mcc/MUIA_Readargsgroup_Args
- Readargsgroup.mcc/Readargsgroup.mcc
- This class creates a group of GUI elements based on Readargs-compatible
- template. That's the way AmigaMesaRTL output handlers show their parameters
- and get user specified settings.
- I hope it will be useful for someone. BTW it's the most compact GUI
- representation in the world... :-)
- Author: Szymon Ulatowski <szulat@friko6.onet.pl>
- Readargsgroup.mcc/MUIA_Readargsgroup_Key
- MUIA_Readargsgroup_Key -- [I.G], char *
- You have to specify the template at init time. The string is copied into
- private buffer.
- Most of standard Readargs features are supported (/M,/K,/S,/N)
- Normal arguments are turned in string gadgets, /N's become integer
- gadgets, /S are shown as checkboxes.
- You can define abbreviations as usual (ABBR=ABBREVIATION).
- Moreover it has some extensions (compatible with the original):
- - underscores '_' in the argument's names are converted to spaces in
- GUI labels
- - special codes can be put in argument's names to create additional GUI
- elements:
- _LA_any_text - creates a label
- _LA1_any_text - a label with horizontal bar
- labels should be specified as keywords (/K) so they will not cause
- arguement strings to be longer
- _FN_argument - string gadget with filename popup
- _FO_argument - ... with font popup (format: fontname/size)
- _SM_argument - ... with screenmode popup (format: 0xHEXNUMBER)
- _MX_switch/S,_MX_secondswitch/S,...
- MX turns a set of checkboxes into mutual exclude radiobutton
- switches beginning with _MX1_ form the second radiobutton group
- _MX2_ - third and so on
- See AmigaMesaRTL output handlers sources for examples.
- Argument type /M is not fully supported. Only the first word is read
- in the gui. In filename requesters it should provide a multiselect
- capabilities but it doesn't... :-(
- Readargsgroup.mcc/MUIA_Readargsgroup_Args
- MUIA_Readargsgroup_Args -- [ISG], char *
- With this argument you can put values into GUI elements.
- Your argument string will be parsed by ReadArgs, of course.
- Getting MUIA_Readargsgroup_Args gives you the ReadArgs compatible string
- containing user specified values.